[picture of {Celestial Connections]

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These stories were researched and written between 2022 and 2024 and published fortnightly in the Rushworth and district newspaper, the Waranga News, in 2023 and 2024.

Waranga was the name of a now defunct local government area (Shire of Waranga 1865-1994). The former shire boundaries represent the geographic area covered by most of the stories.

The Waranga area has had Chinese immigrants since soon after the start of the local gold rush, which dates back to 1853. In the intervening 170 years, these new arrivals and their descendants have made an impressive contribution to local communities. The stories contained in this compilation celebrate that contribution.

Some errors may be included in the text, and the author accepts full responsibility for them. However, this compilation represents a genuine attempt to pull together as much of the available information on the subject as possible. Hopefully, it will provide a basis for future researchers to come up with a more comprehensive picture of the lives of Chinese immigrants to the area.

The research and writing are not subject to copyright, but it would be appreciated if acknowledgement of sources was made if any of the information is used by others.

Tony Ford
1/47 Race Street, Flora Hill.
Victoria 3550
Email: boze24@hotmail.com